



Space Farm
homealone_447Edited by Nstygrl22
Leila and Carol were saying goodbye to their mother as her small carrier gained altitude and headed to the closest bazaar to bring provisions. The three women were part of a small group of ranchers that settled in the seventh planet of the Dogada system. The local species of the planet were perfect to commercialize in the meat market.
The young sisters were excited because now that Leila had turned eighteen, their mother trusted the maintenance of the ranch to them for the first time and they were not going to let her down. At least that was Carol’s idea, which was one year older than her sister. Leila saw this as an opportunity to explore beyond the ranch’s fence. The forbidden side.
When the spaceship disappeared into the star filled sky, the sisters went inside the house and talked about the next day’s chores.
“I think we should go to bed early. We have a lot of work to do tomorrow. I’ll prepare the animal’s vitamins and you’ll feed the capsules to them,” Carol said.
“Hey, who made you the boss?” Leila said heatedly.
“Come on, don’t be like that,” Carol responded.
“Fine.” Leila said quickly with a glimmer in her eye, “I’ll go to bed.”
Leila decided tonight was the perfect night to explore. As soon as her sister was in her room she was going out.
Carol knew the rebellious nature of her sister and it was suspicious that Leila had given in too easy. She had to keep an eye on her.
Just as planned, one hour later Leila was standing at the fence’s main gate. When she was little, before her father past away, he had told her that there were many terrible things beyond the fence and she should never go out there. For many years, she had seen men with guns explore the lands beyond the walls and they had always come back unharmed. Maybe it wasn’t so dangerous after all. She had to see for herself. She wasn’t planning to go far anyway.
Leila opened the gate and stepped beyond the fence for the first time in her life. Even though it was late at night, the land was illuminated by bright stars scattered across the sky, and Leila could see as far as the golden mountains that broke the horizon many miles away.
“I’ll explore close to the gate, just in case. This is going to be awesome!” Leila thought excitedly.
Less than a hundred yards from the gate, Leila found a weird ground formation near some rocks. She looked at it from a safe distance.
“What is this thing? It looks like a plant or a fungus. I don’t remember seeing it in the species catalog.”
Leila walked a little closer. The strange object was just a few inches tall and extended irregularly across the floor for several feet. It had a few holes scattered along the surface that seemed to go deep into the ground. There was a hole in the center that was bigger than the other ones.
“Wow! It looks really cool. Maybe this is a new species that no one had seen before and they’ll name it after me!” she thought.
Leila heard a noise behind her and turned her head, scared.
“What was that?” she said out loud.
While she tried to find the source of the noise, Leila hadn’t noticed the tentacle squirming her way. Sprouting from one of the plant’s small openings, the tentacle raced nearer, curved behind her and shot a dart strait into Leila’s neck.
Leila felt a painful sting on her neck. The little object pierced through her delicate skin and reached her blood stream. She felt the burning sensation quickly fade away as the world around her started to spin fast. The dizziness made her quiver.
“Oh, God! What is happening? I feel…”
She couldn’t finish the last word. Leila collapsed to the ground as the venom injected in her veins spread through her body. Strangely, just before she lost consciousness, she felt her nipples bloating.
A few hours later, Leila opened her eyes and saw her sister leaning over her. Leila was lying on her bed feeling lightheaded and confused.
“Carol… what happened?” Leila asked with a soft voice.
“That’s what I want to know. I found you lying naked on the ground, just outside the fence,” Carol responded, “what were you doing out there?”
“I’m sorry… I wanted to explore and… I don’t remember what happened,” Leila explained.
“You scared the hell out of me. I didn’t find you in your room and then I saw the gate alarm blinking. I went out there and found you unconscious,” Carol said.
“Please don’t tell mom. Nothing really happened. I’m sure I just slipped and hit my head, but I’m fine now.”
“And what about your clothes?” Carol asked
“Nothing. You know I like being naked!” Leila tried to justify, although it was true that she enjoyed being naked and her sister knew it.
“You are crazy! What I am gonna do with you?” Carol said a little more relaxed. “Ok, get some rest. We still have a lot of work to do tomorrow.”
“Ok, good night sis,” Leila said while Carol walked out of the room.
Leila quickly fell asleep and started dreaming. She saw a vivid image of the fungus she discovered. It was unique and they would definitely name it after her…
Leila saw herself lying on the ground with her eyes open. She was looking up at the stars but she wasn’t looking at all. A myriad of sensation revolved in her mind without making any sense. She felt scared and happy, excited and disgusted. A light breeze caressed her soft skin making her aware of the wetness in her pussy. She felt horny, very horny.
Leila sat on the ground with her eyes still staring forward and her arms limp by her sides. Something in the back of her mind was telling her what to do. It was like an invisible energy forcing her to stand up and remove her clothes. She felt the irresistible need to get closer to the fungus.
Leila moved uneasily on her bed, worried and scared. Without waking up, Leila let out a soft gasp as she saw in her dream two large tentacles emerging from the ground formation, waving menacingly in the air.
She saw herself standing rigidly beside the creature. But she was not frozen with fear. She was just standing there like a robot, expressionless and unafraid, doing nothing.
With an empty look in her eyes, Leila walked forward until she stepped over the ground formation while the tentacles moved around her. A third tentacle appeared just beside her feet.
The bigger appendage wrapped around her waist and lifted her in the air while another tentacle approached her mound and curved over like a snake ready to strike.
An instant later, the tentacle penetrated her pussy! It stretched her vaginal walls delightfully, all the way to the deepest corner of her warm wet cavity.
On her bed, Leila clutched the sheets tightly and moaned. Her nipples began to swell, mirroring the image she was seeing in her dream, which felt more real every passing second.
As the first appendage pumped her body furiously, smashing the bottom of her pussy every time, another tentacle reached beneath Leila’s frail form and aimed at her anal entrance. In an instant, it stabbed forward and shoved with full force into her ass. Leila felt the flexible pole pushing deeper and deeper inside of her, stretching her ass to the limit as her arousal climbed higher on her subjugated mind.
The tentacles churned and twitched within her tight body, bringing her inevitably closer to climax. Leila didn’t understand what was happening but she didn’t care. Her pussy and ass jolted and pulsed with the rhythm of the powerful penetrations that rocked her body in the air, threatening to go beyond her limits and fill her body completely with tentacle meat. Meanwhile, a forth tentacle projected from another hole of the fungus’s surface.
The tentacle reached high in the air, close to Leila’s bouncing head… And entered her mouth! Pushing past her lips and down her throat.
The enthralled woman’s mind was almost in shock from the extreme sensations while her whole body strained from the unbelievable ravishing. The three tentacles seemed to compete with each other over which could go deeper inside of her. Leila felt her impeding orgasm getting closer and closer…
And she climaxed! Her body trembled uncontrollably from potent spasms that never seemed to end, fired up over and over by the fat tentacles that kept fucking her inexorably in all her holes at the same time.
In her bedroom, Leila’s body trembled and jolted as her pussy contracted over and over. Like in her dream, she was climaxing.
Finally, one appendage was retrieved from her mouth, allowing her to catch her breath while her arms hung limply from absolute exhaustion. However, Leila was unaware that an enormous tentacle, larger and thicker than the others, was emerging slowly from the center of the creature.
Leila stared into the sky, moaning softly as the remaining tentacles vacated her pussy and ass. Meanwhile, the monstrous tentacle prepared for a final, body wrecking, penetration…
With a swift, strong move, the thick pole shoved into Leila’s body! The slim woman’s abdomen expanded outwardly to accommodate the giant member while Leila screamed from utter surprise.
The astonished woman could barely register what was happening to her as her insides were pushed apart to make room for such an enormous piece of meat.
A brief moment later, Leila felt her belly swell even more while a hot, gooey substance was sprayed directly into her womb. The sticky sperm was too much for her to keep inside and erupted out of her pussy…
And out of her mouth!
Leila was living her dream as if she was really there. She arched her back on the bed while she rubbed her clitoris with expert fingers. Carol, who came back to check on her sister, was standing by the bed silently watching her sister masturbate.
Carol knew she shouldn’t be there. Leila looked fine… more than fine, and she deserved her privacy. Yet Carol couldn’t take her eyes off her sister’s hand as Leila began to convulse from another dreamy orgasm. Carol felt her own pussy start to stir.
“What am I doing here? I’m getting horny watching my own sister masturbate. I better give her some privacy…” Carol thought.
The next morning, Carol was having breakfast when Leila walked naked into the dining room. The night before, Leila had told her sister that she liked to walk around in the nude and now she needed to prove it.
“Hey! Why are you still naked?” Carol asked surprised.
“I told you I like it. There is no one else within miles of our farm anyway. I’ll do my chores like this all day,” Leila responded.
“Like I said last night, you are crazy. Are you having breakfast?” Carol asked, accepting her sister’s wild nature.
“I’m not hungry. I’ll eat something later.”
Leila walked out to the field carrying a vitamin capsule and approached one of the farm animals. The official name of the beasts was “kaberians” but Leila liked to call them meatballs. The kaberians resembled creatures from prehistoric times on Earth. They had fat, round bodies about the size of a small elephant, with hard, rugged skin, thick legs, and a parrot-like beak in the middle of their large heads.
Leila was still thinking about last night’s incident. “I remember something about a strange fungus but why did I fall unconscious and why was I naked? Maybe I’ll have to go back there to find out.”
“Ok meatball, open your mouth and swallow this. We don’t want you to get sick do we?” Leila said to the creature.
As Leila leaned over the animal to drop the capsule in its mouth, the sensitive nose of the beast detected a particular scent that floated in the air.
After several millions of years of evolution on this planet, the beast knew that this special scent meant only one thing… sex! The animal’s cock quickly emerged from within its body and projected forward several inches.
Leila gasped as she looked up and saw the large, exposed phallus.
“What the hell? “
Leila watched the cock grow even larger right in front of her eyes.
“Why is he so excited? This is not mating season…” Leila wondered.
Leila knelt down to have a better look. The phallus was small compared to the whole size of the creature but it was huge compare to human standards. Unexpectedly, her pussy twitched hard and her heart started to beat faster.
“Oh my God! Look how big it is!” She said to herself.
The fascinated woman couldn’t take her eyes off the creature’s cock. She lost track of the time as she stared at the pulsating phallus. For some reason it became difficult for her to organize her thoughts because of the insistent tingling in her pussy.
“What would happen if I…?” Leila moved her head a little closer to the large member, “No, I can’t do this. It’s too weird. I better go before I do something… bad.”
Leila walked away wondering why she felt that way. The mushy sensation between her legs made her excitement more than evident.
“Something is happening to me. I’ve never felt this horny in my life! I am afraid this is going to be a long day.”
It really was a long, arduous day. Leila had to watch many cocks grow in her proximity and made it really difficult to finish her work without giving in to her sinful cravings. Finally night came and she went right to bed hoping she could relax. But not even one minute after she fell asleep, she began to dream again…
Almost at midnight, Leila was dreaming excitedly of her body expanding to accommodate the massive phallus of the fungus and the large amount of sperm pumped into her womb.
But Leila’s belly was not only bloating in her dream. Something grew inside of her overnight and now she lay on her bed looking like a pregnant woman.
Suddenly, her dream vanished along with everything else. Her mind went completely blank. Leila opened her eyes wide, oblivious to her surroundings while a strange feeling intensified all over her body. She couldn’t think about anything except one thing. Birth!
Leila sat on the bed with a stiff, robotic motion. She stared fixedly at the wall in front of her. Her controlled mind started to function again but only with one specific purpose.
She remained on the bed trying to figure out an appropriate place to give birth. Her belly shuddered as something inside squirmed and twitched eager to get out.
When Leila discerned the best place, she got up and started walking.
Leila stepped silently out of the house and walked the distance that separated the house from the carrier’s hangar. It was not far from the house but it gave her the privacy she needed.
The contractions in her belly were getting more insistent. Leila instinctively lied down on the hard floor and spread her legs while her pussy started to leak a gooey white substance.
She moaned as a rounded figure appeared between her lubricated pussy lips. The object was some sort of long, segmented egg that slid out slowly, stretching the girl’s warm cavity. Leila arched her back and screamed out loud from the sudden rush of pleasure.
The process lasted a few minutes later until Leila collapsed to the floor and the weird object lay immobile next to her within a pool of slime.
Suddenly, Leila woke from her entrancement as fast as she fell into it. She looked around, wondering where she was…
“What the hell! What am I doing here?”
Then she looked down…
“And what the fuck is that?!”
Leila looked at her oozing pussy and at the slime all over her smeared thighs and soon realized that the seed-like object lying on the floor had come from within her. She also realized something even more frightening…
“Shit! The dream I had about the tentacles really happened! And it put that thing inside of me!”
“I better get out of here before Carol sees this!”
Leila ran straight to her room and jumped into bed but she couldn’t sleep for the rest of the night, because she was preoccupied about the situation.
The next morning, despite her worries about the previous event, Leila continued tending the creatures. To make matters worse, she felt even hornier than yesterday.
“I’m going to have to destroy that thing that came out of me. If Carol finds out she is going to tell mom. I’ll do it as soon as she goes into the vitamins lab,” Leila thought.
She approached the first kaberian and looked between his legs.
“Oh shit! And this meatball is getting horny again. You are not going to do this every time you see me, are you?”
Without thinking, Leila went down to her knees and grabbed the kaberian’s cock. She surprised herself by doing this but she didn’t let go.
“It’s so big!” Leila thought.
Leila’s heart was pounding so hard, she could feel it in her chest. Her breathing became deep and loud. Then, almost instinctively she engulfed the fat cock, wrapping her overstretched lips around the creature’s meat. Leila would have never imagined that the first time she put a penis in her mouth was going to be a kaberian’s and that it was going to be this big. She could only fit a few inches but it was enough to fill her mouth completely.
The kaberian, stimulated by the warm, wet sensation on his sensitive pole, started pouring his lubricating fluid inside Leila’s sucking mouth.
Leila knew that what she was doing was really wrong but an irresistible force compelled her to stay in place, taking his cock deep all the way to her throat. Her pussy was twitching in sync with the animal’s motions. She was so excited that it was almost as if the creature was penetrating her pussy.
It didn’t take long before the kaberian had enough and discharged an incredible amount of sperm inside Leila’s mouth. Leila climaxed too!
The creature kept spraying gush after gush of fluid and Leila swallowed as much as she could but most of it dribbled down to the ground.
After almost one minute, the kaberian’s sperm supply was finally empty and Leila’s stomach was bulging from the unbelievable amount of cum churning inside.
“Oh my God! I can’t believe I did this. I must have swallowed a gallon of cum!” Leila thought with amazement.
“Ok meatball, you fed me, now I’ll feed you. Take your vitamins,” Leila said as she threw a big, greenish capsule into the beast’s mouth.
“I think I better go to the hangar now to destroy that thing,” Leila thought as she walked away from the satisfied creature.
When Leila steeped into the hangar, she looked at the place where she had left the seed and stopped astounded.
“Shit! It changed. It wasn’t like that when I left last night.”
Leila knelt by the egg and examined it closely. It was twice as big as the day before and it had an opening at the top. Thin black tentacles surrounding the base helped to keep it straight up and a gooey substance was spread all around it.
“It has grown so much. I can’t believe this thing was inside of me yesterday.”
Unexpectedly, the top of the egg split open and a small yellowish tentacle waved upward.
Leila jolted surprised, “Shit!”
The tentacle extended further out as it curved toward Leila’s body. Leila looked at it with amazement but she didn’t move. Something in the back of her mind told her it was safe.
“This thing is alive!”
The flexible tendril waved between the woman’s legs, getting closer to her pussy. While Leila watched it move, a familiar dizziness spread across her mind and her eyes lost focus. Seemingly out of nowhere, an image popped in her head. It was the fungus fucking her. She wanted it to fuck her.
An instant later, the small tentacle penetrated her pussy.
“Ahhh!” Leila moaned.
She felt an unbelievable rush traveling across her entire body. The tendril squirmed inside her vaginal cavity, pushing its way further in while Leila’s mind became overwhelmed by a multitude of feelings that blocked even the slightest hint of reasoning.
Leila was once again under complete control of the creature. She didn’t notice a second tentacle projecting upward from the egg.
The beset woman saw the new limb waving in front of her face but she just kept moaning, unable to do anything else.
With a swift move, the tentacle pierced into her mouth. Leila opened her eyes wide, reacting to the sudden invasion. She felt the appendage pushing through her throat, into her esophagus. Instead of being scared, Leila’s arousal increased even higher.
The tentacle sank deeper and deeper until it reached Leila’s belly and began to suck the kaberian’s sperm out of the woman’s body! Her stomach deflated slowly as the fluid was pumped across the hollow appendage into the egg’s main body.
As the last drop of sperm left her belly, Leila reached an incredible climax. Her eyes rolled up and her legs trembled at each side of the egg. It felt to her like she was being rewarded for her good behavior.
Moments later, the appendage was pulled from her mouth and Leila fell to her side exhausted. Her self-control gradually came back but the wonderful feeling of satisfaction lingered in her mind, making it hard to concentrate.
Only after several minutes was Leila able to stand up and walk away. She was still so delighted from the overwhelming experience that she completely forgot why she had come to the hangar.
Leila’s state of mind was completely different than the day before and now the bizarre experience she just endured seemed so normal, it seemed so right. The creature needed to be fed and she loved feeding the creature.
“This was absolutely fantastic! My belly is so empty now that I feel horny again,” Leila thought, and then corrected, “Did I say horny? I meant hungry. Shit, I guess I feel both.”
Leila was barely out of the hangar’s front door when something caught her attention.
“Hey, there is one of the podonts!”
The podonts were local creatures that were very useful to move and carry heavy objects. Despite their aggressive appearance, they were very docile and controllable. A few of them were kept inside the farm in case they were needed. They were hairless creatures that walked on two legs that looked strangely human but the rest of its body was bulky as a buffalo’s and its horn topped head looked simian. Leila immediately got the idea to use one of them but for a very different purpose than usual.
“Hello my friend, I’m so happy I found you.”
As the beast picked up the scent emanating from Leila’s body, his cock began to grow rapidly.
“Look at that, you are getting excited already. That makes two of us.”
Leila sat on the ground beside the podont’s large body and gently grabbed its large cock.
“Oh god! Your cock is so hard and warm. It’s almost as big as the kaberian’s.”
Leila moved under the animal and crawled closer to the large, pulsating cock.
“I don’t know what’s happening to me but I can’t help doing this.” Leila thought as she licked the tip of the podont’s phallus, already picturing that enormous rod lodged inside her throat.
The horny woman opened her mouth wide and swallowed the head of the cock in front of her. Once again, her heart was beating almost out of her chest from exhilaration.
The podont felt the warm lips engulfing his sensitive organ and took a small step forward, shoving his cock deeper between Leila’s lips, reaching beyond her throat.
Back at the farm house, inside the lab, Carol was wondering where her sister was.
“Where the hell is Leila? She was supposed to be back here picking up the vitamins for the rest of the animals,” Carol wondered, “she has been acting very weird lately. I better go find her to make sure she is ok.”
Carol checked the grassland first, confirming that Leila was not there. Then she headed to the hangar. Just before she stepped in, she heard some grunting noises on one side of the hangar.
“I hear something back here. It sounds like a podont,” Carol thought.
“Oh my God! Leila!” Carol screamed as she saw the bizarre scene.
Leila was on her hand and knees and the large beast was fucking her from behind. Her moans of pleasure mixed with the grunts of the excited podont, as the beast pumped the woman’s pussy with all his might.
“Leila! What’s going on?! “ Carol ask to her oblivious sister, then she exclaimed, “Oh my God! The podont is fucking my sister!
Leila was completely unaware that her sister was there. The gigantic cock pumping her body so furiously was occupying all of her thoughts and all of her feelings.
“Leila, please! Move away!” Carol pleaded as she knelt in front of her sister.
“It is almost like she can’t see me! Is she moaning from pleasure?” Carol asked herself very confused.
Carol stood up and pulled at the podont’s arm but she couldn’t move it even one inch. The animal was also too busy to acknowledge her.
“Please get off my sister. Leave her alone!”
Carol couldn’t avoid looking at the large phallus pushing in and out of Leila’s pussy. As she looked closer, she wondered how the enormous beast hadn’t broken her sister in two.
“How can she fit that thing inside of her? It is almost like she is helping him!”
Without a warning, the beast exploded in climax, discharging a large amount of sperm in Leila’s pussy. The hot fluid gushed out of the tight cavity splattering everywhere, including Carol’s face.
The podont had an enormous reserve of sperm and it pumped stream after stream of thick fluid inside Leila’s bulging belly. When Leila felt her vaginal cavity filled beyond possible, she turned around and took the cock in her mouth, trying to catch every last drop of sperm inside of her body.
“Oh my God! Leila is doing this willingly. What is happening to her?” Carol thought worriedly.
The older sister couldn’t watch anymore and ran away from the horny couple.
“I have to call mom. She will know what to do!”
Carol reached home and sat on her bed, thinking about the situation. If she let her mom know about it, she would be in a lot of trouble for sure.
“Mom will never trust me again with the farm maintenance and I would certainly be punished for not taking care of Leila.”
Carol moved her hand along her face, cleaning some of the sperm with her fingers, “My face is still smeared with the podont’s semen. It is so sticky.”
Meanwhile, Leila was back in the hangar, offering her body to the growing fungus. The knowledge that she was helpless to her burning desire for the creature, made it even more exciting. She was now a slave and her pussy twitched just thinking about it.
“Go on my lover; push your fat tentacles inside of me…”
As if the fungus could hear her, one tentacle projected up in the air, aiming at the girl’s pussy and penetrated her forcefully!
“Ahh!” Leila moaned
Leila felt an incredible bliss as the lubricated appendage twirled inside of her, reaching desperately for food. The bewildered woman felt her belly flattening slowly as the podont’s sperm flowed through the hollow tentacle into the creature’s body.
Moments later, Leila was sitting on the floor, enjoying the lingering aftermath of another orgasm.
“My belly is completely flat again, but now I feel so empty,“ Leila thought, already considering another visit to the kaberian herd.
Carol went to sleep still undecided about what to do. In the middle of the night, she wiggled uneasy on her bed.
Carol was dreaming that she was surrounded with enormous cocks spraying cum all over her body. She could feel an unnerving combination of disgust and exhilaration as the thick goo slithered down her face and her chest to the bed below.
Carol dreamt about another cock spraying warm fluid all over her pussy. She couldn’t understand why she felt so excited. It felt so real. She was on the brink of an orgasm…
At that instant, Carol woke up and saw with astonishment that her sister was eagerly licking her pussy. Then everything became blurry…. She climaxed!
Carol’s body trembled and twisted under the convulsing shock waves of ecstasy while Leila kept her mouth attached to her sister’s swollen clitoris. Every touch of Leila’s wet tongue sent a blissful spark that prolonged Carol’s climax for the longest time.
When Leila came back from the hangar and found her sister sleeping in her sexy panties, she couldn’t resist the temptation to dive between Carol’s legs and taste her sweet pussy.
At last, Carol’s orgasm subsided as she lay limply on the bed, trying to catch her breath. Leila looked up at her with a grin of satisfaction.
“I knew you would like it…” Leila said mischievously.
When Carol recovered from the sinful experience she recoiled from her sister, trying to understand what just happened.
“Oh my God Leila. What were you doing to me?” Carol asked with bewilderment, and then she added, “First you have sex with the podont and now this. What is happening to you?”
“Sorry sis. I can’t help it. I feel so horny all the time,” Leila responded.
“I’m gonna have to tell mom. I don’t care if she punishes us for life,” Carol said angrily.
“Maybe that’s a good idea. But there is something you should see before you call her,” Leila said.
“See what? What are you talking about?”
“C’mon. I’ll show you,” Leila said as she walked out the room signaling her sister to follow her.
Carol and Leila walked into the hangar and Carol saw immediately the large weird formation on the floor.
“Shit! What is that?!”
“It is my new lover,” Leila responded calmly.
“Your what?!” Carol asked perplexed, looking at her sister.
Carol didn’t see the small tentacle coming out from one of the fungus’ holes. The creature shot a poisoned dart, the same way it did to Leila a few days earlier. The poison acted immediately and Carol felt her legs go weak. In seconds, she crumbled into her sister’s arms.
“Don’t worry sis. I’ve got you,” Leila said lovingly.
Leila carried her sister near the creature’s main body as a slim tentacle was already protruding from another hole. Carol wasn’t unconscious but she was unable to think clearly.
“What’s happening…” Carol asked barely audible.
“It’s ok honey, you are gonna love this,” Leila responded to her sister.
Leila watched the tentacle extend more and more as it analyzed Carol’s body. Finally, the fungus found the right spot and…
“Go on my darling. Make her feel as good as I do,” Leila said as if the fungus needed some encouragement.
The creature shoved its tentacle deep inside Carol’s pussy!
Carol opened her eyes wide and screamed from the sudden penetration. It was so confusing. She wanted to believe it was all a dream but she remembered waking up. The tentacle just pushed deeper, wiggling delightfully inside her tight cavity, touching nerves she didn’t know she had.
Leila moved around her sister and watched the tentacle with admiration. She wished it was her being probed so deeply, so wonderfully.
“God! This is so exciting!” Leila said.
Two more segmented tentacles protruded from the creature’s body. They surrounded Carol’s trembling body with a mysterious purpose.
“What are these tentacles going to do? Carol has no food inside of her,” Leila wondered.
Carol moaned loudly as the two new tentacles positioned at both sides of her head. The tip of the appendages opened up like a flower in bloom and pressed hard against each of Carol’s ears, projecting several microscopic tendrils inside of her head. Carol gasped as she felt a subtle tickling in her brain.
In a matter of seconds, a spark of realization popped inside Carol’s mind. She began to understand her purpose; her reason to exist. She had to serve him, the creature, her Master. Carol’s nipples swelled and her pussy twitched around the tentacle, sucking it further inside.
As the new guidance for her life was imprinted in her brain forever, Carol’s arousal increased more and more until she couldn’t take anymore. She climaxed harder than ever before! Her eyelids fluttered and all her muscles trembled in ecstasy. Her head remained in place pinned between the mind controlling tentacles.
Leila rubbed her pussy eagerly and observed fascinated as her sister was being reprogrammed. She finally understood why her own behavior had changed so much in the last few days. Now she knew why she was so horny all the time…
“The fungus must have done the same thing to me! This is so hot!”
… And most importantly, now she knew why feeding the creature gave her so much pleasure. Leila pictured herself kneeling on top of the creature she’d found outside the main gate while two tentacles fucked her mind and another two fucked her pussy and ass. She climaxed too!
Both sisters shivered and contorted under the throes of many more orgasms. Both sisters were now slaves with a mission.
A few hours later, Leila was lying on the grassland with her legs spread wide apart. She was eagerly waiting for one of the farm’s caterbugs to move on top of her. The strange creature had its three foot cock already erect and ready.
“Come on cutie. Fill me with your cock. I need your sperm so badly!” Leila pleaded.
The pinkish caterbugs resembled a large caterpillar with legs. They were another endemic species that grew well in the small planet. Their meat was considered exquisite and they were the most valuable assets in the farm, but given the size of its cock and the large amount of sperm stored in its body, now it was priceless for Leila.
The huge bug-like creature moved closer to Leila with a desperately slow pace, aiming its cock at her burning pussy.
“Please hurry babe. I need your cock now!”
With an unexpected sudden move, the caterbug projected its cock forward and penetrated Leila’s warm vaginal cavity, stretching her inner walls delightfully.
Leila felt a mind-blowing combination of pleasure and pain as the animal kept moving forward. She felt her whole abdomen expand to make room for the fat cock being pushed inside of her.
“Oh, yes! Your cock is soo big!”
A large bulge was clearly visible on Leila’s belly as the caterbug shoved its cock deeper within her body. Leila burrowed her fingers on the ground, anchoring herself in place. She wanted more!
Carol was still in the hangar, waking up after falling unconscious from orgasmic overdose.
“What happened? Where am I?” She mumbled.
It took her a moment to gather her senses but when she saw the fungus’ main body inches beside her, Carol jumped scared.
“Shit! What am I doing lying next to this thing?” Carol said out loud.
“I remember walking in with Leila but then everything became a blur,” Carol thought.
She walked hurriedly out of the hangar, looking for Leila.
“I have to find Leila. She has a lot of explaining to do about what the hell is going on here.”
It didn’t take her long to find her sister. Leila’s moans of pleasure could be heard from far away.
“God! Now she is fucking one of the caterbugs. What the hell is wrong with her?” Carol exclaimed.
As Carol walked closer, she soon realized that her heart was pounding fast inside of her chest and her pussy was pulsating following the same rhythm.
“Oh my God! I can see the beast’s cock bulging through her skin!” Carol thought as she knelt beside her sister.
An instant later, the caterbug discharged it’s cum inside Leila’s squirming body!
Leila felt the hot fluid spraying inside her belly, filling her body completely. Her eyes rolled up into her head from the sheer pleasure of getting more food for her master.
“The caterbug is cumming inside of her!” Carol thought.
Carol could hear the gargling sound of the sperm bubbling within of her sister until she saw her mouth filling up from the inside.
“Shit! The sperm is coming out of her mouth!” Carol cry out.
Carol was astonished at the bizarre scene. She started to feel dizzy again as her breathing became deep and loud and her pussy jolted repeatedly with increasing intensity.
“What is happening to me? Why am I so turned on by this?” Carol wondered.
Carol’s pussy was already dripping lubricating fluid from her inexplicable sexual stimulation. Then, without even thinking about it, Carol leaned forward and licked the sperm that dribbled down her sister’s mouth.
Carol was so overthrown by the delicious taste that she didn’t notice a silent creature, a flagora, moving behind her.
“It tastes so good!”
The flagora had perceived the strong and alluring smell of Carol and Leila’s pussies and it wanted some part of the action.
Carol detected movement with the corner of her eye and turned her head.
“A flagora! How didn’t I see it before?”
The flagoras resembled plants, but they were animals. They used their large mouth at the end of its long neck to capture small animals, but it was also its main reproductive organ and Carol knew it.
“Wow! Look at the length of its tongue,” Carol thought, looking at the animals open mouth.
Carol stared at the waving appendage for a moment without realizing that her coherent thoughts started to vanish one by one. Something in the back of her head had been turned on and her mind spiraled down into a semiconscious state.
She stood up and removed her bra without taking her eyes off the flagora’s long proboscis. Carol was now in a sort of hypnotic state that allowed her to think in only one thing… sex!
The slim woman took a step forward and let the tip of the flagora’s tongue touch her nether lips. A lightening spark of pleasure traveled up and down her whole body making her nipples swell.
The flagora detected the humid and warm opening offered to it and shoved its tongue a few inches deeper inside Carol’s vaginal cavity.
“Ahhh!” Carol moaned loudly.
Carol bent her knees as the enormous mouth moved upward, piercing deeply into the woman’s tight body. For a brief moment, Carol recovered a bit of consciousness and considered moving away but the overpowering bliss radiating from her stretched pussy quickly erased that idea from her mind. Carol wanted more!
She plunged herself down onto the large flexible tongue, burying almost the entire length of the limb inside of her body.
As the flagora sensed the warm, cozy female enveloping its whole reproductive organ, it immediately began to secrete its semen from a series of openings on the tongue’s surface.
Carol felt her belly enlarging as it was filled with the flagora’s cum which triggered an intense wave of pleasure that made her eyes roll up into her head.
The excess of sperm accumulated at the bottom of the flagora’s mouth while Carol’s stomach kept bloating with the hot, viscous fluid.
Finally, Carol climaxed as well. She felt the blissful spasms of her contorting body pushing the sperm out of her mouth too just before her mind blanked out completely.
That day, the sisters realized that the alluring power of the fungus’ aroma that emanated from their pussies was stronger than they ever imagined. Every male creature, regardless of their species, was now at their disposal to provide them with the most needed sperm.
Now, both sisters were efficient sperm receptacles at the service of the strange fungus that controlled their minds and bodies.
Later that day, Carol and Leila were back in the hangar.
“This is so wrong. We shouldn’t be doing this but… I can’t stop myself,” Carol said to Leila.
“Now you know how I feel. Isn’t it wonderful?” Leila responded, then, looking at a tubular tentacles emerging from the fungus she said, “Look! He wants you to feed him.”
“It won’t hurt me, right?” Carol asked worried.
“Did you enjoy it when the flagora fucked you? This is going to feel even better,” Leila said reassuring her sister.
The fungus’ tentacle followed the heat that emanated from Carol’s burning pussy. Carol looked down at the waving appendage as it got closer to her. She was nervous and eager at the same time.
The instant that Carol felt the appendage pushing deep into her body, an overwhelming feeling of submission cluttered her mind. Her face quickly became slack and emotionless.
Meanwhile, Leila was kneeling beside her sister, watching another tentacle move around her hips, aiming at her pussy.
“Yes, my Master. I am full of sperm for you,” Leila said.
The limb pierced into Leila as the young woman moaned from the delightful sensation.
The women’s bellies quickly flattened as the fluid was sucked out from their bodies. Leila caressed her sister’s breast, admiring her enthralled empty stare. She knew perfectly well that Carol was enjoying this as much as herself. Leila couldn’t be happier that Carol was now devoted to the fungus, their new Master.
During the following days, Carol and Leila spent the day fucking the farm animals from dusk ‘till dawn. They just couldn’t get enough and they knew their master was always hungry.
“Are you ready sis?” Leila asked Carol.
Carol was flat on her belly over the soft grass and a giant kaberian was standing above her with its cock just inches from her anal entrance.
“Yes! I want his cock all the way inside of my ass,” Carol said with the certainty that her rewired mind gave her.
After Leila aimed the kaberian’s cock at Carol’s anus, the beast took a step forward, burying his enormous phallus into the slim woman’s body.
Carol felt the fat cock pushing her insides apart as it moved forward within her loins. Knowing that soon her belly was going to be filled with hot, viscous sperm, Carol was at the brink of orgasm, even before the long pole was fully lodged inside of her.
After a long while of slow, relentless pumping, the kaberian was reaching climax.
“I can feel his cock bloating inside of me…. He is cumming!” Carol said excitedly.
“You won’t believe how much sperm he can pump inside of you. You are going to love this!” Leila said with equal enthusiasm.
The beast exploded! An enormous quantity of hot sperm blasted and spread inside Carol, filling every crevice of her body to the limit.
As the overflowing sperm started to pour from Carol’s mouth, Leila leaned forward and kissed her sister. She was not going to let all that precious fluid go to waste.
Soon after, Carol and Leila’s stomachs were bloated yet again. Their master was going to be pleased.
Two days later, Carol was walking back to the house after feeding her Master. Despite her urge to find another creature to fuck, she needed to prepare the vitamins for the farm animals or one of them might get sick. She couldn’t allow having one less source of sperm.
At that moment, Carol heard the transport ship arriving at the farm. Her mom was coming home! She ran back to the house and hurriedly put on some clothes. Then she walked towards the hangar to meet Susan, her mother.
“Hi Mom, I didn’t expect you so soon!” Carol said as her mother climbed down the space carrier.
“Hi honey. How are you girls doing?” Mom asked.
“Everything is great. Things couldn’t be better. We have been really busy taking care of the animals.”
“I’m glad to hear that. Where is your sister? I brought tons of things for the farm. We will need one of the podonts to carry all the stuff.”
“I think Leila is with one of the podonts right now. I’ll tell her to bring him over,” Carol responded, picturing her sister with a huge podont’s cock pumping her pussy.
“I couldn’t open the hangar door with the ship’s remote control. Did you change the codes?” Susan asked.
“Emmh… no. It is probably a malfunction. Let me open it for you,” Carol said.
Carol had intentionally changed the codes and now she walked closer to the hangar door, making sure that her mother follower her. The she pressed the button of the remote control and the large door started to slide upwards.
“See? It is working fine,” Carol said.
“Yes. I guess there is a problem with the carrier’s signal,” Susan said.
As the sliding door moved higher than the women heads, Carol’s mother was able to see the large body of the fungus extending across the hangar’s floor. A few tentacles were waving up in the air.
“What is that?!!” the older woman screamed.
Despite the long distance, the fungus fired a dart at Susan’s neck with amazing precision.
Half an hour later, the girls’ mother was already naked, lying near the fungus with two tentacles attached to both sides of her head. She was being reprogrammed the same way her daughters were.
The woman’s nipples were shamelessly erect. Her mind was clouded with thousands of erotic sensations that cluttered her brain. She couldn’t think about anything. She didn’t have to. Susan was becoming a new slave and she loved it.
Leila was helping the process as she rubbed her mother’s clit with sinful tenderness. To Leila, now Susan was just another slave at the service of the fungus, her Master.
“Yes, mom. Take it all in. Let him show you your new life; your new purpose,” Leila said tenderly.
From time to time, Susan moaned softly and her whole body jolted as the last threads of resistance vanished from her remodeled mind.
Carol observed her mother’s taking with infinite pleasure. Her pussy twitched around the tentacle that probed every corner of her cavity, searching for more sperm.
Susan’s eyes rolled up and her body shivered as the enslaving process was completed. Now sex was the most important thing in her existence. She needed sperm. She needed to procreate.
With her last imprinted command still lingering in her mind, Susan stood up and got into position to start the procreation ritual. Meanwhile, the massive tentacle used for impregnation was already waving upward from the fungus’ main hole.
Carol had never seen this larger tentacle before. She watched intently as her mother bent her knees slowly, lowering herself closer to the awaiting pole that would plant a new seed in her womb.
Susan felt the enormous tip of the tentacle pushing her vaginal lips aside and as the first inches penetrated her pussy, an overwhelming rush of elation spread across her entire body. Her nipples swelled even larger.
Despite the inevitable pain of the first massive penetration, Susan couldn’t stop herself from plunging further down, letting her master’s fat cock impale her even deeper, while she coped with the shocking feeling of throbbing pleasure radiating in the most exciting way.
Leila could clearly see the shape of the large pole moving upward within her mother’s belly as her loins were pushed outward to make room for the pleasing intruder. She leaned forward and licked her master’s huge member through her mother’s alabaster skin that bulged out unseemly.
Finally, Susan felt the thick tentacle jolt as warmth spread inside of her. It was happening. Her Master was impregnating her inexorably. Susan climaxed too.
Leila and Carol tried to catch whatever they could of the white fluid that escaped from their mother’s crevices while she trembled and convulsed under the throes of a devastating orgasm.
Moments later, Susan fell backwards, exhausted from the blissful experience but she didn’t go too far. She was impaled so deeply that she remained upwards over the fungus’ body. Carol rushed over to kiss her and lick away the residual sperm that escaped her mother’s lips.
“It tastes so good.”
“Soon our mother will give birth to another Master. The three of us will not be enough to feed both of them,” Leila said to Carol.
“I guess we are gonna have to invite our cousins to come visit us. I think they are old enough already,” Carol suggested.
“That’s a good idea. Let’s do that,“ Leila said, “I’m sure our mother will agree with us. As soon as she comes back from heaven!
The End.









